Tuesday, December 31, 2013

tasty morsels

"...young internet label Tasty Morsels are releasing their most ambitious project yet, a full length album by Column called 'A Year In Your Garden'. Column made their first appearance on the exquisite 'Tasty Morsels Vol. 1' compilation with their song Aerolove, and this album follows in a similar vein, an extremely understated, lax, psychedelic dream pop. Superb. The music, recording, and artwork were all handled by Rory and Jake McCarthy, between 2011 and 2012. The album is dedicated to the memory of Jake McCarthy." 

this album was an unexpected gem. really, so good. 


Monday, December 23, 2013

les yeux sans visage

eyes without a face (1960)

saw this last night and i think it's got to be one of my favorite horror films. i think a remake would be cool, but it would have to be in french. 

and i can't really post this without billy. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

connan mockasin

i'm going to preface this by saying that i just saw the hobbit and i'm still too giddy after seeing it to talk about it just yet and i want to see it a couple more times before i say anything more than simply this: IT WAS INCREDIBLE.  

okay now onto a little band called connan mockasin.  it's front man, connan hosford, bassist ross walker and drummer seamus ebbs all hail from new zealand, so i thought it pretty fitting to talk about them whilst i'm still under the influence of tolkien fever. 

i got hooked on this bad a few years ago with their song 'it's choade my dear' but never really listened to anything beyond that. after a while i did a bit of digging and bought their album forever dolphin love and wow. rocked my world. 

they released an album this year called caramel and the songs that work REALLY work, and the songs that don't, REALLY don't. but all things considered that's not bad. i'll take it. 

anyway, i just think this band is so cool and unique and they don't sound like anything else out there right now. i found tickets to see them live in january for dirt cheap and i'm really excited! 

so give this band a listen and watch the music videos too. i'm telling you, everything about this band is art and i'm digging it.

//i'm the man, that will find you

//do i make you feel shy?

//forever dolphin love 

//faking jazz together 

//it's choade my dear