Wednesday, May 22, 2013

game of thrones pt. 2

okay, i take it back. 

your books are awesome.

my sincerest apologies george.

you still have too many characters but who cares. 

i'm on book two, trying to catch up with the series, but i doubt i'll be able to stop after book three. i'll probably stop after book four just because my mom's copy of a dance with dragons is hardcover and heavy as hell. ya, no. 

anyway, my favorite characters so far are: tyrion, arya, daenerys and jaqen h'ghar. 

also, i love that the books are so different from the series. i mean, the series is accurate and amazing but the two stand alone, kind of like harry potter. 

george, i put cormac mccarthy on hold for you. that never happens. ever. 

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